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No matter your level of experience or seniority, there is something you can do to help us ensure the future of life is positive.

If you are not familiar with extreme risk...

Let’s get you up to speed

To be able to engage effectively with our work, you’ll need to understand the risks we are working to reduce. Each of the pages below provides an introduction to the topic in question and signposts further resources.

An Introduction to Extreme Risk

'Extreme Risk' can mean different things in different contexts. Find out exactly what we mean by it.
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Risks from Artificial Intelligence

From search algorithms to self-driving cars, AI is starting to change our lives. As the impact of this technology magnifies, so will its risks.
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Risks from Biotechnologies

Extreme risks from biotechnologies include engineered pandemics and, more broadly, biological weapons, which may seek to injure, kill or influence the behaviours of targeted populations.
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Risks from Nuclear Weapons

Extreme risks from nuclear weapons include the potential for nuclear winter and nuclear famine, as well as possible knock-on events such as epidemics, civil and geopolitical conflict, and state collapse.
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Climate Change

Driven by fossil fuel technologies, extreme risks from global heating range from its direct effects, such as food and water scarcity, to its indirect effects, such as undermining our ability to recover from other catastrophic events like nuclear war.
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FLI Book Guide

We have created a 'Book Guide' to collate a handful of books which provide a thorough introduction to some of our cause areas and the key ideas that underpin our work.
View the Book Guide

If you are familiar with extreme risk...

Contribute to our projects

To succeed in our mission, we need the help of talented, mission-driven people.

Work for us

Our team will continue to expand in the coming months and years so check back regularly for new job postings, or submit a rolling application.

Partner with us

We are always excited to hear from potential collaborators, whether they be public figures, technical specialists, grassroots activists or artists.
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Sign an open letter

By signing one of our open letters, you help us signal to policymakers and wider society that support exists for extreme risk reduction.
Open letters


We’ve hardly made a dent in our list of project ideas. Donations enable us to grow as an organisation and execute more of our plans.

If you hold a position of influence...

Use your platform to improve the future

Get in touch if you're unsure about how best to use your platform for the benefit of all life.

Partner with us

A public partnership helps draw media attention to our work, which can in turn grow our influence among policymakers and other key stakeholders.
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Connect us

Support us from behind the scenes by connecting us with individuals or organisations who might assist our work.
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A short and sweet tweet about our activities can open doors for us even if it comes without an explicit endorsement of our work.
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Related pages

Were you looking for something else?

Here are a couple of other pages you might have been looking for:

Our mission

Read about our mission and our core principles.
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Events work

We convene leaders of the relevant fields to discuss ways of ensuring the safe development and use of powerful technologies.
View page

Grantmaking work

Supporting vital cutting-edge work with a wise, future-oriented mindset.
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