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Wir unterstützen essenzielle Spitzenarbeit mit einem klugen, zukunftsorientierten Mindset.


Financial support for promising work aligned with our mission.

Crises like COVID-19 show us that our civilisation is fragile, and needs to plan ahead better. FLI’s grants are for those who take this fragility seriously, who wish to study the risks from ever more powerful technologies and develop strategies for reducing them. The goal is to win the wisdom race: the race between the growing power of our technology and the wisdom with which we manage it.

Grants process

We are excited to offer multiple opportunities to apply for support:

RFPs and Contests

Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Contests, which we publish on our website on a regular basis. Examples include our grants program on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear War, our call for papers on AI and the SDGs, and our Worldbuilding competition.


Collaborations in direct support of FLI internal projects and initiatives. For example, FLI has funded film production on autonomous weapons at partner organisations. FLI staff work closely with these grantees.


The Vitalik Buterin Fellowships bolster the talent pipeline and support both PhD and Postdoctoral students. Since 2021, we have offered PhD and Postdoctoral fellowships in Technical AI Existential Safety. In 2024, we are excited to launch a PhD fellowship in US-China AI Governance.
View fellowships

We do not accept unsolicited requests. Please subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to learn more about our upcoming RFPs and Contests. Any questions about grants can be sent to

Grant programs

All our grant programs

Open programs

US-China AI Governance PhD Fellowships

Open for submissions
Deadline: 2024-11-20

How to mitigate AI-driven power concentration

Open for submissions
Deadline: 31 October 2024, 23:59 EST

Technical PhD Fellowships

Open for submissions
Deadline: 2024-11-20

Technical Postdoctoral Fellowships

Open for submissions
Deadline: 2025-01-06

Completed programs

Die Gemeinschaft für KI-Sicherheit

Eine Gemeinschaft, die sich für Sicherheit in der KI-Entwicklung einsetzt.

Der Weg zu einer besseren, sicheren Zukunft mit KI besteht nicht darin, die Entwicklung dieser neuen Technologie zu behindern. Vielmehr geht es darum, die KI-Sicherheitsforschung zu fördern, um einen weiseren Umgang mit ihr zu beschleunigen.

Da es Jahrzehnte dauern kann, bis diese Forschung abgeschlossen ist, ist es ratsam, jetzt damit zu beginnen. Die KI-Sicherheitsforschung bereitet uns besser auf die Zukunft vor, indem sie vorausschauend dafür sorgt, dass KI der Gesellschaft nützt, ohne sie zu gefährden.

Dieser Auftrag motiviert die Forschung in vielen Disziplinen: von Wirtschaft und Recht bis hin zu technischen Bereichen wie Verifizierung, Validierung, Sicherheit und Kontrolle. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie mitmachen!

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Related posts

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11 Juli, 2024

Realisierung erstrebenswerter Zukunftsvisionen - Neue FLI-Fördermöglichkeiten

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14 Februar, 2024

Statement on a controversial rejected grant proposal

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18 Januar, 2023

FLI September 2022 Newsletter: $3M Impacts of Nuclear War Grants Program!

Welcome to the FLI newsletter! Every month, we bring 24,000+ subscribers the latest news on how emerging technologies are transforming our world - for better and worse.
17 Oktober, 2022

The Future of Life Institute announces grants program for existential risk reduction

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3 Juni, 2021

New International Grants Program Jump-Starts Research to Ensure AI Remains Beneficial

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