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Assorted Sunday Links #1

February 21, 2015
a guest blogger


1. Robert de Neufville of the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute summarizes news from January in the world of Global Catastrophic Risks.

2. The Union of Concerned Scientists posts their nuclear threat-themed Cartoon of the Month.

3. The World Economic Forum releases their comprehensive report for 2015 of Global Risks.

4. Physics Today reports that ‘The US could save $70 billion over the next 10 years by taking “common sense” measures to trim its nuclear forces, yet still deploy the maximum number of warheads permitted under the New START Treaty, according to a new report by the Arms Control Association. Those steps include cutting the number of proposed new ballistic missile submarines to eight from 12, delaying plans to build new nuclear-capable bombers, scaling back the upgrade of a nuclear bomb, and forgoing development of a new intercontinental ballistic missile system.’

This content was first published at on February 21, 2015.

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