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DHS AI Task Force (AITF)

Exists to “advance specific mission applications of AI” across the Department of Homeland Security. It is under the joint leadership of the S&T and the CAIO.


Eric Hysen & Dr. Dimitri Kusnezov - Co-chairs

2025 Budget Request


On April 20, 2023, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas established the DHS Artificial Intelligence Task Force with this memo. It exists to “advance specific mission applications of AI across DHS”. It is under the joint leadership of the S&T and the CAIO.

It focuses on the following areas:

  1. Enhancing supply chain integrity
  2. Countering fentanyl flow into the US
  3. Applying AI to digital forensic tools for combating child exploitation
  4. Assessing AI’s impact on critical infrastructure security.

It is also responsible for reviewing and implementing recommendations from the Homeland Security Advisory Council at the intersection of AI and homeland security.


The FY 2025 budget notes a $5,000,000 budget change mentioning the AI task force directly:

“The FY 2025 funding request will support the advancement and adoption of AI across the Department in accordance with the requirements in the EO 14110 “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence”, the pending OMB guidance “M-Memo” and implementing AI to support DHS mission priorities. The request will support implementing infrastructure, technologies, and processes to advance the responsible and ethical use and adoption of AI and the charter of the AI Task Force (AITF). This includes planning the infrastructure needed for AI and establishing data management and engineering practices to prepare data for use in AI models.”



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