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Joseph Cozens

Head of Transformation & AI
Clifton High School

Why do you care about AI Existential Safety?

I care grateful about AI existential safety as I seen the speed in which it is changing education without governments and education bodies being able to keep up. I see the challenges of AI ethics in education and the risks of students data being misused by AI, although there are huge benefits of AI in education, transparency is key on all levels.

There are also existential threats of a changing world economy and society with which current students may be at a disadvantage, with the lack of experience, these students will likely be some of the earliest to see job displacement, unless mitigation takes place with a overhaul of classical education systems and the embrace of emotional development, innovation and solving global issues collaboratively.

Please give at least one example of your research interests related to AI existential safety:

Current research interests lie in AI ethics, mitigating risk and encouraging transparency for students. I am studying AI ethics through Helsinki University and will continue this study with the London school of Economics.

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