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Jonathan Cefalu

Stanford University

Why do you care about AI Existential Safety?

Both my work and the philanthropic contributions my wife & I make are dedicated to reducing x-risk and s-risk. Our x-risk work is focused on funding AGI alignment and advocating for nuclear disarmament, and our s-risk work is focused on the reduction of wild animal suffering as well as phasing out factory farming. In order to get more funding into the field of AGI alignment, I started a company called Preamble ( which is focused in the near term on recommender system alignment, but in the future will focus on AGI alignment as AGI becomes closer on the horizon. I am a father and I care deeply about creating a world where my young son does not have to fear AGI x-risk.

Please give one or more examples of research interests relevant to AI existential safety:

I am the lead researcher on a project hoping to prove (via simulations) that severe x-risk would inevitably arise from automating strategic nuclear warfare, with the aim of persuading all nations that any attempt to automate strategic warfare would harm their own self-interest by increasing global x-risk. In addition to this original research, I have dedicated significant time and funding into lobbying the US government to attempt to strength US policies prohibiting AI-based automation of nuclear warfare. Through this work I have built a network of contacts in the Dept. of Defense who are beginning to understand that military command automation may be self-defeating and should be significantly limited. I have helped shape US doctrine around this topic, including contributing to a public statement by the NSCAI ( that “The United States should make a clear, public statement that decisions to authorize nuclear weapons employment must only be made by humans, not by an AI-enabled or autonomous system, and should include such an affirmation in the DoD’s next Nuclear Posture Review.”

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