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Robust and Transparent Artificial Intelligence Via Anomaly Detection and Explanation

Amount recommended
Grant program
Primary investigator
Thomas Dietterich, Oregon State University
Project summary

In the early days of AI research, scientists studied problems such as chess and theorem proving that involved “micro worlds” that were perfectly known and predictable. Since the 1980s, AI researchers have studied problems involving uncertainty. They apply probability theory to model uncertainty about the world and use decision theory to represent the utility of the possible outcomes of proposed actions. This allows computers to make decisions that maximize expected utility by taking into account the “known unknowns”. However, when such AI systems are deployed in the real world, they can easily be confused by “unknown unknowns” and make poor decisions. This project will develop theoretical principles and AI algorithms for learning and acting safely in the presence of unknown unknowns. The algorithms will be able to detect and respond to unexpected changes in the world. They will ensure that when the AI system plans a sequence of actions, it takes into account its ignorance of the unknown unknowns. This will lead it to behave cautiously and turn to humans for help. Instead of maximizing expected utility, it will first ensure that its actions avoid unsafe outcomes and only then maximize utility. This will make AI systems much safer.

Technical abstract

The development of AI technology has progressed from working with “known knowns”—AI planning and problem solving in deterministic, closed worlds—to working with “known unknowns”—planning and learning in uncertain environments based on probabilistic models of those environments. A critical challenge for future AI systems is to behave safely and conservatively in open worlds, where most aspects of the environment are not modeled by the AI agent—the “unknown unknowns”. Our team, with deep experience in machine learning, probabilistic modeling, and planning, will develop principles, evaluation methodologies, and algorithms for learning and acting safely in the presence of the unknown unknowns. For supervised learning, we will develop UU-conformal prediction algorithms that extend conformal prediction to incorporate nonconformity scores based on robust anomaly detection algorithms. This will enable supervised learners to behave safely in the presence of novel classes and arbitrary changes in the input distribution. For reinforcement learning, we will develop UU-sensitive algorithms that act to minimize risk due to unknown unknowns. A key principle is that AI systems must broaden the set of variables that they consider to include as many variables as possible in order to detect anomalous data points and unknown side-effects of actions.

Published by the Future of Life Institute on 1 February, 2023

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