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Investigation of Self-Policing AI Agents

Amount recommended
Grant program
Primary investigator
Adrian Weller, University of Cambridge
Project summary

We are unsure about what moral system is best for humans, let alone for potentially super-intelligent machines. It is likely that we shall need to create artificially intelligent agents to provide moral guidance and police issues of appropriate ethical values and best practice, yet this poses significant challenges. Here we propose an initial evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of one avenue by investigating self-policing intelligent agents. We shall explore two themes: (i) adding a layer of AI agents whose express purpose is to police other AI agents and report unusual or undesirable activity (potentially this might involve setting traps to catch misbehaving agents, and may consider if it is wise to allow policing agents to take corrective action against offending agents); and (ii) analyzing simple models of evolving adaptive agents to see if robust conclusions can be learned. We aim to survey related literature, identify key areas of hope and concern for future investigation, and obtain preliminary results for possible guarantees. The proposal is for a one year term to explore the ideas and build initial models, which will be made publicly available, ideally in journals or at conferences or workshops, with extensions likely if progress is promising.

Published by the Future of Life Institute on 1 February, 2023

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