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An AI-driven Observatory Against Poverty

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Grant program
Primary investigator
Marko Grobelnik, International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO (IRCAI) & Artificial Intelligence Lab at the Institute Jozef Stefan (JSI), Slovenia
Project summary

A research team at the International Research Centre on Artificial Intelligence (IRCAI), under the auspices of UNESCO, led by Marko Grobelnik and Joao Pita Costa, seeks to evaluate the impact of AI on poverty alleviation efforts, under SDG 1.5. To do so, the IRCAI will build on the knowledge and experience gained with the OECD AI Policy Observatory, with a comprehensive framework encompassing three key metrics: access to essential services; income levels and economic activity; and social equity and inclusion. Further analysis will then integrate predictive modeling, scenario analysis, and policy impact simulations to offer insights into future trajectories of AI's role in poverty alleviation.

Published by the Future of Life Institute on 5 July, 2024

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