Past Volunteers
In the past, we have had the support of a team of dedicated volunteers. You can learn about our former volunteers below:
Past volunteers
Meet our past volunteers
Click on a profile to view more information:
Abeer Sharma
Adrià Garriga Alonso
Aidan Kierans
Aishwarya Gurung
Alan Alda
Alan Chan
Alan Guth
Alan Yan
Ales Flidr
Alessandro Abate
Alex Chan
Alex Turner
Alex Walsh
Alexander Pan
Alexander Tamas
Alexandra Tsalidis
Alina Kovtun
Allan Suresh
Amir-Hossein Karimi
Anca Dragan
Anca Dragan
Andrea Berman
Andy Zou
Aneri Muni
Angira Sharma
Anna Hehir
Anna Katariina Wisakanto
Anna Yelizarova
Annachiara Ruospo
Anqi Liu
Anthony Aguirre
Ariel Conn
Ariel Conn
Arnob Ghosh
Asilomar AI Principles
![Astrid Caldas talks about the important of equity in climate adaptation.](
Astrid Caldas
Aysajan Eziz
Baobao Zhang
Bart Selman
Beatrice Fihn
Ben Cumming
Ben Eisenpress
Bena Lim Ying
Benjamin Smith
Bing Song
Bonnie Wintle
Brad Knox
Brian Green
Carina Prunkl
Carla Zoe Cremer
Carlos Ignacio Gutierrez
Carmen Amo Alonso
Carolyn Wu
Caspar Oesterheld
Cassidy Nelson
Chad DeChant
Charlie Oliver
Charlie Steiner
Chase Hardin
Chase Moores
Christof Koch
Clark Barrett
Daniel R. Miller
Danit Gal
David E. Nicholson
David Krueger
David Lindner
David Stanley
Dr. Peter S. Park
Dylan Hadfield-Menell
Ekdeep Singh Lubana
Elad Hazan
Elayne Whyte Gómez
Eleonora Giunchiglia
Elizabeth Barnes
Elon Musk
Emilia Javorsky MD, MPH
Eric Gastfriend
Erik Brynjolfsson
Erik Jenner
Erik Jones
Ethan Perez
European Union
Fahad Shamshad
Fazl Barez
Federico Faroldi
Felix Binder
Florian Tramer
Francesca Rossi
Francis Rhys Ward
Frank Wilczek
George Church
Grzegorz Orwiński
Gus Docker
Hamza Chaudhry
Hanlin Zhang
Hans Gundlach
Hao Chen
Harriet Farlow
He He
Hong Zhu
Imane Bello (Ima)
Isabella Hampton
Isabella Wang
Jaan Tallinn
Jack Koch
Jacob Beebe
Jacob Noah Steinhardt
Jacy Anthis
Jade Leung
Jaime Fernandez Fisac
Janos Kramar
Jared Moore
Jason Orlosky
Jason Van Beek
Jeanne Dietsch
Jesse Galef
Jessica Cussins Newman
Jindong Gu
Jody Williams
Joel Christoph
Johannes Treutlein
John Burden
Jonathan Cefalu
José Hernández-Orallo
José Jaime Villalobos
Joseph Cozens
Joseph Kwon
Kaylene Stocking
Kayo Yin
Kazue Evans
Kevin Wang
Kirsten Gronlund
Kristina Dahl
Laurence Aitchison
Lennart Bürger
Lewis Hammond
Linas Marius Nasvytis
Liv Boeree
Liza Tennant
Lotte Gleeson
Lucy Farnik
Luke Bailey
Maggie Munro
Marie-Therese Png
Mark Brakel
Martin Rees
Mary Wareham
Matt MacDermott
Matthew Farrugia-Roberts
Max Kesin
Max Tegmark
Max Tegmark
Meia Chita-Tegmark
Meia Chita-Tegmark
Melody Guan
Michael Cohen
Michael Hippke
Michael Osborne
Michele Campolo
Montaser Mohammedalamen
Morgan Freeman
Moritz von Knebel
Muhammad Chaudhry
Multilateral Organizations
Mykyta Baliesnyi
Na Li (Lina)
Nandi Schoots
Natalie Jones
Natalie Shapira
Neil Crawford
Nell Watson
Nick Bostrom
Nikolaus Howe
Nisan Stiennon
Oishi Deb
Olle Häggström
Pablo Antonio Moreno Casares
Paolo Bova
Patrick Shafto
Paul de Font-Reaulx
Paul Matthew Salmon
Paula Garcia
Peter Haas
Peter Vamplew
Philip Torr
Pingchuan Ma
Qian Tao
Rafael Martinez-Galarza
Ram Rachum
Rasha Abdul Rahim
Rebecca Boehm
Reuth Mirsky
Richard Dazeley
Richard Mallah
Riley Harris
Risto Uuk
Roger Grosse
Roman Yampolskiy
Rose Hadshar
Rosie Campbell
Ryan Carey
Samuel Albanie
Samuel Bowman
Samyak Jain
Sandra Faber
Saul Perlmutter
Scott Emmons
Scott Niekum
Sharon Li
Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui
Shuchi Talati
Sonia Cassidy
Stephane Hatgis-Kessell
Stephanie Milani
Stephen Casper
Stephen Hawking
Steve Petersen
Stuart Russell
Stuart Russell
Sumeet Motwani
Surafel Tilahun
Susi Snyder
Susi Snyder
Szymon Radziszewicz
Taylor Jones
Tegan Maharaj
Tekla Emborg
The Anh Han
Tim Schreier
Tuan Anh Bui
Tucker Davey
United Nations
Uroš Ćemalović
Usman Anwar
Vera Koroleva
Victor Veitch
Victoria Krakovna
Victoria Krakovna
Vincent Conitzer
Vincent Fortuin
Vincent Lê
Wayne Wei Wang
William Jones
Wout Schellaert
Xiaohu Zhu
Xin Cynthia Chen
Yaodong Yu
Yawen Duan
Yishuai Du
Yixin Wang
Zara Yaqoob
Zeyu Qin
Zhijing Jin
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Our Position on AI
We oppose developing AI that poses large-scale risks to humanity, including via power concentration, and favor AI built to solve real human problems. We believe frontier AI is currently being developed in an unsafe and unaccountable manner.
AI Existential Safety Community
We are building a community of AI researchers who want AI to be safe, ethical and beneficial.