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AI Alignment Podcast: On the Governance of AI with Jade Leung

22 July, 2019

In this podcast, Lucas spoke with Jade Leung from the Center for the Governance of AI (GovAI). GovAI strives to help humanity capture the benefits and mitigate the risks of artificial intelligence. The center focuses on the political challenges arising from transformative AI, and they seek to guide the development of such technology for the common good by researching issues in AI governance and advising decision makers. Jade is Head of Research and Partnerships at GovAI, where her research focuses on modeling the politics of strategic general purpose technologies, with the intention of understanding which dynamics seed cooperation and conflict.

Topics discussed in this episode include:

  • The landscape of AI governance
  • GovAI's research agenda and priorities
  • Aligning government and companies with ideal governance and the common good
  • Norms and efforts in the AI alignment community in this space
  • Technical AI alignment vs. AI Governance vs. malicious use cases
  • Lethal autonomous weapons
  • Where we are in terms of our efforts and what further work is needed in this space

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Important timestamps: 

0:00 Introduction and updates

2:07 What is AI governance?

11:35 Specific work that Jade and the GovAI team are working on

17:21 Windfall clause

21:20 Policy advocacy and AI alignment community norms and efforts

27:22 Moving away from short-term vs long-term framing to a stakes framing

30:44 How do we come to ideal governance?

40:22 How can we contribute to ideal governance through influencing companies and government?

48:12 US and China on AI

51:18 What more can we be doing to positively impact AI governance?

56:46 What is more worrisome, malicious use cases of AI or technical AI alignment?

01:01:19 What is more important/difficult, AI governance or technical AI alignment?

01:03:49 Lethal autonomous weapons

01:09:49 Thinking through tech companies in this space and what we should do


Two key points from Jade: 

"I think one way in which we need to rebalance a little bit, as kind of an example of this is, I'm aware that a lot of the work, at least that I see in this space, is sort of focused on very aligned organizations and non-government organizations. So we're looking at private labs that are working on developing AGI. And they're more nimble. They have more familiar people in them, we think more similarly to those kinds of people. And so I think there's an attraction. There's really good rational reasons to engage with the folks because they're the ones who are developing this technology and they're plausibly the ones who are going to develop something advanced.

"But there's also, I think, somewhat biased reasons why we engage, is because they're not as messy, or they're more familiar, or we see more value aligned. And I think this early in the field, putting all our eggs in a couple of very, very limited baskets, is plausibly not that great a strategy. That being said, I'm actually not entirely sure what I'm advocating for. I'm not sure that I want people to go and engage with all of the UN conversations on this because there's a lot of noise and very little signal. So I think it's a tricky one to navigate, for sure. But I've just been reflecting on it lately, that I think we sort of need to be a bit conscious about not group thinking ourselves into thinking we're sort of covering all the basis that we need to cover."


"I think one thing I'd like for people to be thinking about... this short term v. long term bifurcation. And I think a fair number of people are. And the framing that I've tried on a little bit is more thinking about it in terms of stakes. So how high are the stakes for a particular application area, or a particular sort of manifestation of a risk or a concern.

"And I think in terms of thinking about it in the stakes sense, as opposed to the timeline sense, helps me at least try to identify things that we currently call or label near term concerns, and try to filter the ones that are worth engaging in versus the ones that maybe we just don't need to engage in at all. An example here is that basically I am trying to identify near term/existing concerns that I think could scale in stakes as AI becomes more advanced. And if those exist, then there's really good reason to engage in them for several reasons, right?...Plausibly, another one would be privacy as well, because I think privacy is currently a very salient concern. But also, privacy is an example of one of the fundamental values that we are at risk of eroding if we continue to deploy technologies for other reasons : efficiency gains, or for increasing control and centralizing of power. And privacy is this small microcosm of a maybe larger concern about how we could possibly be chipping away at these very fundamental things which we would want to preserve in the longer run, but we're at risk of not preserving because we continue to operate in this dynamic of innovation and performance for whatever cost. Those are examples of conversations where I find it plausible that there are existing conversations that we should be more engaged in just because those are actually going to matter for the things that we call long term concerns, or the things that I would call sort of high stakes concerns."


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You can listen to the podcast above or read the transcript below. Key works mentioned in this podcast can be found here 


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